This Battle Royale is now a Ghost Town.. -

This Battle Royale is now a Ghost Town..

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This Battle Royale is now a Ghost Town..

Welcome everyone, in today’s YouTube gaming video we re-visit a dead game called ‘Hyper Scape’. Not only has Hyper Scape been abandoned, but it also looks very different. Playing Hyper Scape in 2021 brought back a lot of memories, and made me realised that this could have been one of the best Battle Royale games, it had huge potential and was very successful in its first week of launch.

Hyper Scape is a Free-To-Play Battle Royale which launched in 2020 and was published by Ubisoft.

If you want me re-visit other abandoned games be sure to let me know which game you want to see me do next!

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