I Tried Indus: Battle Royale At IGDC ๐Ÿ˜ฑ | Indus: Battle Royale Exclusive Gameplay, Esports, New Hero - mini-play.net

I Tried Indus: Battle Royale At IGDC ๐Ÿ˜ฑ | Indus: Battle Royale Exclusive Gameplay, Esports, New Hero

Games Gossip India
Views: 48830
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In this video, we share our experience of trying out the Indus: Battle Royale and share its latest updates including closed beta, new hero, esports playtest & more.

Pre-Register For Indus:

00:00 I Tried Indus
00:30 Indus Booth
00:58 Gameplay Build
01:41 Gameplay Reaction
02:41 Super Gaming CEO Reaction
04:51 Things Which Were Missing
05:12 Closed Beta
05:25 Similar to Apex Legends
06:41 Esports Invitational Tournament
07:18 New Agent
07:44 Outro

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